Dec 30, 2009 - Ancestry Service

2009 Blog Highlights – Part 2

In our last post we highlighted a few of the coolest (in our opinion!) health-related developments of 2009.   But human genetics isn’t all about disease.   Here are a few more favorites:

The Romanovs

2009 saw the identification of the remains of the missing members of this Russian royal family, as well as identification of the mutation that caused the hemophilia that plagued their youngest son.

Leaving No Stone Unturned: DNA Analysis Confirms Identities of Missing Romanovs

Researchers Discover the True Identity of the “Royal Disease”

The Celtic Fringe

The genetics of adorable little critters helped scientists understand the prehistory of the British Isles.

Life on the Fringe: Shrews and Voles Reveal Clues to British Prehistory

Link Between Australian Aborigines and India

Scientists discovered mitochondrial DNA markers shared by isolated tribes in India and native Australians…and nobody else.

Direct Genetic Link between Australia and India Provides New Insight into the Origins of Australian Aborigines

Largest Ever Study of Modern African Genetics

2,432 DNA samples from 113 diverse and distinct groups of people from across the African continent as well as 60 non-African groups. Everyone from the Mozabite Berbers of Morocco to the hunter-gatherer San of the Kalahari Desert, and many in between.

Scientists Publish Largest-Ever Study on the Genetics of Modern Africans


We can’t forget all those dog genetics studies.   Man’s best friend is certainly a friend of the Blog’s!

Single Gene Responsible For Stubby Legs In Dogs

Whence Rover? Genetic Study Suggests Africa May Have Whelped Man’s Best Friend

Study Sniffs Out Genes Behind Doggy ‘Dos

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