The annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics kicks off in Orlando this October, packed with five days of seminars, panel discussions, talks, and presentations that are all part of an event that might best be described as the Coachella (or Woodstock if you prefer) of genetics.
This year’s main event, the “Presidential Symposium,” will be a conversation on global health issues with Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, who now co-chairs the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health.
But highlighting just one of the hundreds of talks during the week risks ignoring dozens of equally arresting subjects that will be part of this yearly event—gene editing, genetic education, and a slew of new genetic research.
Like in past years, 23andMe’s research team and its research will be well represented, but we’ll also be hosting a workshop about our research collaborations and live-tweeting from the meeting. We have a few fun surprises while we’re in Orlando.
Here is a list of 23andMe’s involvement at ASHG:
Educational Event
GWAS and Beyond: Academic Collaborations with 23andMe
- Adam Auton, D.Phil. (23andMe): Introduction to 23andMe research and collaborations
- John Perry, Ph.D. (University of Cambridge): Using population genetics to understand the etiology of reproductive health and biological aging
- Alice S. Whittemore, Ph.D. and Nilah Monnier Ioannidis, Ph.D. (Stanford University): Collaborations with 23andMe on the genetic basis of cutaneous squamous cell cancer (cSCC)
- Time: Oct. 18, 12:30 pm – 1:45 pm
- Location: Lake Eola – Lobby Level/Hilton Orlando Hotel
Large-scale identity-by-descent mapping discovers rare haplotypes of large effect
- Presenter: Suyash Shringarpure, Ph.D., Senior Statistical Geneticist
- Author(s): S. Shringarpure; D. Hinds; V. Vacic; 23andMe Research Team
- Time: Oct. 19, 10:15 am – 10:30 am
- Location: Room 330A – Level 3/Convention Center
GWAS of canker sores implicates Th-1 pathway and shared genetic architecture with immune-mediated disease
- Presenter: Fah Sathirapongsasuti, Ph.D., Senior Computational Biologist
- Author(s): F. Sathirapongsasuti; S. Pitts; D. Hinds; V. Vacic; R. Gentleman; the 23andMe Research Team
- Time: Oct. 19, 11:45 am – 12 pm
- Location: Room 220F – Level2/Convention Center
All posters can be found in the Exhibit Hall on Level 1 of the Convention Center
Tipping the scales: Participants make healthy dietary changes in response to direct-to-consumer genetic test results
- Presenter: Sarah Laskey, Ph.D., Health R&D Scientist
- Author(s): S.B. Laskey; J.F. Shelton; M. Johnson; C. Wilson; R. Smith; B.L. Koelsch; The 23andMe Research Team
- Time: Oct. 18, 3pm – 4 pm
Clonal Hematopoiesis: genetic and phenotypic associations in the general population

Chao Tian
- Presenter: Chao Tian, Ph.D., Senior Statistical Geneticist
- Author(s): C. Tian; P. Fontanillas; J. Tung; D. Hinds; the 23andMe Research Team
- Time: Oct. 18, 3 pm – 4 pm
Minds, genes, and machines: Performance on online cognitive assessments is correlated with individual characteristics in 23andMe customers
- Presenter: Olga Sazonova, Ph.D., Senior Computational Biologist
- Author(s): O.V. Sazonova; L. Germine; C. Wilson; P. Fontanillas; C.E. Carey; 23andMe Research Team
- Time: Oct. 19, 2 pm – 3 pm
A web-based initiative to accelerate research on African ancestry in the Americas
- Presenter: Meghan Moreno, Project Manager
- Author(s): M.E. Moreno; K. Bryc; P.K. Penton; R. Rubenstein; L. Vermillion; J.L. Mountain; the 23andMe Research Team
- Time: Oct. 20, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Human knockouts in the Ashkenazi Jewish population
- Presenter: Aaron Kleinman, Ph.D., Senior Computational Biologist
- Author(s): A. Kleinman; O. Sazonova; S. Pitts; V. Vacic; R. Gentleman; the 23andMe Research Team
- Time: Oct. 20, 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm