Oct 16, 2017 - Research

ASHG Contest: What would YOU ask?


This week the 23andMe Research Team joins over 6,500 fellow scientists in sharing our research at the American Society of Human Genetics annual meeting in Orlando.

One of the most exciting parts of these conferences is geeking out on the rapid growth of genomics datasets in recent years and daydreaming about what you could do with all that sweet, sweet data.

The 23andMe database is no exception. Approximately 85 percent of our 2 million+ customers consent to participate in research and have collectively answered more than 700 million survey questions. Such a powerful dataset has led to 80+ successful collaborations and publications, including new insights into Parkinson’s Disease, spontaneous preterm birth, and susceptibility to common infections. But unlike other studies, we have the unique ability to re-contact our cohort to ask additional questions and investigate new phenotypes.

So to have a bit of fun this week, we’re turning it over to you, ASHG 2017 attendees:

What question would you ask 23andMe research participants for analysis in a new GWAS?

Our favorite three entries will receive a free 23andMe Health + Ancestry Service Kit!

How it works:
  1. Attend the American Society of Human Genetics 2017 annual meeting.
  2. Follow the @23andMeResearch Twitter account
  3. Tweet at @23andMeResearch with your answer to the following: “What question would you ask 23andMe research participants for analysis in a new GWAS?” Up to 5 entries allowed per person.
  4. Entries must be received between 10 am EDT on Monday, October 16th, and 6 pm EDT on Thursday, October 19th to be considered.
  5. Three winners will be selected by members of the 23andMe Research Team based on the originality and scientific merit of their entries and will be announced during the ASHG17 Tweetup on October 19th.
  6. Winners must be following @23andMeResearch at the time of selection and may be asked to provide proof of ASHG attendance. Valid proof includes, but is not limited to, their name appearing on the conference schedule, a photo of their conference badge, a registration confirmation email, etc.
  7. Winners will receive one gift code to order a 23andMe Health + Ancestry Service Kit online at www.23andMe.com.

A full description of the Official Contest Rules can be found here.

We’re happy to have a chance to give back to the genomics community. Good luck with your brainstorming!

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