Sep 2, 2013 - News

Smithsonian Exhibit In The News

Back in June we told you about an awesome new exhibit at the Smithsonian “Genome: Unlocking Life’s Code.”  Maybe you didn’t want to take our word on it, but how about The New York Times.

Last week the paper of record had a nice overview of the exhibit,  which goes a long way to up visitors genetic literacy and gives them a quick overview of how the genetic revolution continues to change our lives our health and our understanding of the human story.

“(T)he cumulative effect is to inspire amazement about how much has happened in the last decade, how matter of factly we now seem to take it, and how much more is yet to come,” the writer Edward Rothstein said in the article.

As we mentioned back in June, the exhibit is presented in collaboration with the National Human Genome Research Institute. It also includes the contributions of other private foundations and companies including 23andMe. Included in the exhibit is collection of stories from 23andMe customers, who shared their experience of using DNA testing to learn more about themselves, their health and their ancestry.

“I’m pleased as punch,” said Neil Schwartzman, who found his biological sister, mother, father and half brother using 23andMe. “I just wish my adoptive parents were alive so that they could come and see it.”

Neil’s story –as well as the stories of eight other 23andMe customers – is included in a portion of the exhibit that looks at how individuals have used DNA to discover something new about their health or their ancestry. And what those discoveries have meant to their sense of self and their place in the world.

Check out the Times article and the exhibit if you get a chance.

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