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By Alexandra Carmichael, Co-Founder of CureTogether
People living with Psoriasis have reported that some of the most effective treatments for their skin include simple interventions like sunlight, salt water, and avoiding stresses.
This is according to a new study by CureTogether, a free resource owned by 23andMe that allows people to share information about their health and treatments.
Psoriasis is one of the most prevalent autoimmune disorders in the United States, affecting an estimated seven million Americans and 125 million worldwide. The condition is characterized by patches of itchy, scaly skin. In its mild form, psoriasis may be just a nuisance, but severe cases can be both painful, disfiguring and debilitating.
Finding the right treatment can be difficult, so CureTogether asked people living with Psoriasis to rate the effectiveness of 34 different patient-reported treatments.
Participants in the study said they found that phototherapy, cortisone injections, swimming in the ocean, and sunlight were among the most effective, in addition to avoiding stress and triggers and the medications Dovonex and T-Gel. Conversely some common treatments such as oatmeal baths, Epsom salts, and Vitamin D, were among the least effective, according to the study.
Most Effective Rated Treatments for Psoriasis
1. UVB Phototherapy
2. Cortisone injection
3. Salt water/ocean
4. Sunlight
5. Topical corticosteroids
6. Avoid triggers
7. Avoid stress
8. Dovonex
9. UVA Phototherapy
10. T-Gel
Where did this data come from? This is the result of a four-year CureTogether study on Psoriasis, in which 275 people living with the condition shared information about their symptoms and what treatments worked best for them. We’d like to thank those who participated. And just as they shared their experience with treatments, we’re freely and openly sharing the results of the Psoriasis study.
This is part of a regular series of CureTogether research findings. CureTogether’s research findings are different than those made by 23andMe, which look at genetic associations with illness, traits and drug response. But as we continue our work with the CureTogether community, 23andMe hopes to incorporate more of this kind of self-reported information into our own research. CureTogether present its findings just as they are – patient-reported data – to stimulate discussion and generate new insights for further research.
Please tweet, blog, or pass this along to anyone who can benefit or is interested in Psoriasis. Thank you!

23andMe Customers can view their results for three gene variants that affect their risk for psoriasis here. Not yet a member? Visit our store!