This is Fashion Week in New York City, a twice-yearly spectacle where designers, models, celebrities, and the merely style-obsessed meet to consider next season’s top looks. 23andMe managed to lure a few hundred people away from the catwalks Tuesday night to consider the beauty that lies within – DNA.
Our Fashion Week spit party was sort of like a Tupperware party, except instead of buying plastic containers the guests were invited to deposit a saliva sample into one. And instead of taking place at a suburban ranch house designed by Richard Neutra, our spit party went down at the spectacular Manhattan headquarters of IAC/InterActiveCorporation, designed by architect Frank Gehry. The building resembles white curtains billowing in a fresh breeze off the Hudson River. Two gigantic high-resolution video walls line the lobby; the larger one is 118 feet long and 11 feet high.
23andMe team members were on hand to explain the features of our new v2 chip, our new community features. Guests also had the opportunity to purchase our Personal Genome Serviceâ„¢ and produce their saliva samples on the spot (but only if they’d waited the requisite 30 minutes after consuming an hors d’oeuvre).
You can see some photos here, or click here for a slide show with more party pics.
Photos by Monica De Armond