Dec 19, 2016 - Health + Traits

Holiday Party Genetics

Some of the dos and don’t of your annual office holiday party should be kind of obvious – don’t hit on your boss and maybe take it easy on the spiked punch – but knowing how your DNA influences how your body responds to alcohol or sweets might help you navigate the pitfalls of this year’s celebrations.

Your genetics influences how you metabolize alcohol, your preference for salty or sweet snacks, and whether your face reddens when you have a little alcohol.

“Lost in the merriment of holiday festivities is how our environment and the decisions we’re making are influenced by our genetics – and the consequence those decisions may have,” said Jeffrey Pollard, and MD and 23andMe’s director of medical affairs. “Most things we eat and drink can be enjoyed in moderation without having a harmful effect as long as you don’t overdo it.”

This year 23andMe dissected how your genetics may influences the ways your body may react to some of the choices you make at this year’s holiday office party.

Enjoy and season’s greetings.


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