Oct 14, 2015 - News

What a difference two years makes?

We’ve been busy over the last two years, and it shows. anne-wojcicki-cover

Forbes writer Matthew Herper has a nice take on what we’ve been up to and where 23andMe is at in the regulatory process.

He also does a balanced job of explaining what prompted the FDA to send a warning letter to 23andMe in the first place.

Early this year 23andMe became the first and only direct-to-consumer genetic testing company to receive clearance for one of its reports, and Herper puts that into context, as well as going into some detail about the power of 23andMe’s research and therapeutics efforts.

This has been a good year, or as our CEO and co-founder Anne Wojcicki told Herper:

“Two thousand fifteen was better than 2014 and 2013. Without a doubt.”

Stay tuned for more from 23andMe very soon. In the meantime take a look at the article.

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